Course Summaries

During my master studies, I found it to be beneficial to make summaries of the courses I was following. I started doing this in plain text files, however this changed quickly to markdown as this can be styled in various ways. In the end I settled for using XeLaTeX and a customized template to create nice PDFs. After a while I found out I had enough pages to create a book out of it. Which will be posted here soon.

Personal Homepage

During the customization of my summaries I learned about the powers of Pandoc. This inspired me to create a fully static website, without any javascript. All pages are generated from markdown documents and some simple template files. The sources for my current website can by found on my Github.

Acoustic Vector Sensing

One of my future projects would be to fill in the rest of this page.

Impact of Regional Failures on Internet

NB-IoT Data Analysis at Vodafone

Mechanical Keyboards